Let's Celebrate! It is finally the end of my 10 Day Cleanse, and I feel transformed completely. On my last day, I was full of energy and I didn't want to the end to come! I am excited to tell you my results. My weight is at 129 pounds, which means that I lost a total of 7 pounds in 10 days. My waist is at 27 inches. My chest is at 35 inches and my bottom is at 36 inches. I lost 4 inches in my bottom. I lost two inches off my waist. This all pleasantly surprised me, because I worked out daily, but didn't do anything extra strenuous, like lifting weights. My exercise program was simple walks on the treadmill and outside under the moon for 45 minutes to an hour. Also, I felt my muscles become toned and strong. My agni was vibrant and beautiful; it is best described as a heated spark at the navel. It doesn't burn and it doesn't make you feel nervous. It feels so special to be able to connect with your Center (digestion, motivation, and personal power) in this way. I looked at the before and after pictures for the most insights. I couldn't believe how much weight came off of my face alone. It is really interesting how much your face tells your entire life story. In addition, the desires for sweets have deteriorated completely. I don't have the pull anymore for chocolate chip cookies and anything like that. In fact, my cravings were short lived during Day 7 and Day 8, where mostly I thought about Chinese food take-out and Mexican food comforts. My state of mind is pretty clear for the most part, but I know I could do better. My mind stuff and the work to manage the mind is always a challenge, but it get's better little by little. I am a work in progress. Do I feel more confident? Yes. I do, but not because of my lighter body or lighter state of mind. I feel confident because I love my body no matter what. I realized that I needed to love my body and even my lack of confidence (Bridget Jones moments). Loving yourself and your body is a rebellious and controversial act! Join the rebellion and love. Love yourself unconditionally; every single part. You will wake up smiling everyday. If you would like to know more about this Purium cleanse, contact me at [email protected].
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Day 9 Summary
Here is the short version of Day 9, because I am on Sick Baby Mama Duty. 1. Energy- My energy was very high. I felt like I had enough to do everything that I needed to do for the day. 2. Weight- I didn't lose any more for Day 9. However, I felt my muscle tone in my body more defined. 3. Agni- I felt my fire as healthy and vibrant. 4. State of mind- My state of mind was a little pensive and concerned for my son who is battling the stomach flu at the moment. It is never fun when the little ones are sick. I will report more later. Namaste, Ana Almost Done For Day 8 of my cleanse, my son was sick so my day was dedicated to managing his digestion. There is a pretty ugly stomach flu out there right now. At first, I thought that he may have had the measles. But after further investigation, the friend, who originally informed me of the measles exposure, called me back and said that the doctor misdiagnosed. The blood work had returned with a negative indication. I was totally relieved. My son is not vaccinated. We made that choice and was totally aware of the pros and cons of the route (another blog for later). However, I learned much about managing the measles in a conscious way (another blog for later). My son's oil regimen to heal is stomach yuckiness consisted of Eucalyptus oil (anti-biotic), Chamomile oil (digestive), and On Guard (anti-biotic). Night Walk For my exercise, I waited til my son was sound asleep with the angels (I used this term in the past and there was some confusion. I mean that he is in deep sleep with the angels and spirits in heaven.) and I went on a night walk for an hour. I realized that this whole process of transformation has been one big RESET button. We all need a time to reset our digestion or just reset our lives. And it is never to late to do this rebellious, courageous thing! What have you desired to reset? Your love life? Your career? Your spiritual life? Your relationships with your friends and families? What areas in your life do you want to change? Your body? Your mind? Your spirit? What areas of your life need to be reconciled? What has been lost or maybe just forgotten? What areas in your life do you not like? Are you totally excited about today? Are you totally excited about your life? Are you totally excited about your devotion to God? Are you ready to make your transformation? Let me know if you would like a $50 Gift Card to go towards your cleanse. I highly recommend you embarking on this transformation for yourself. Nap Time My Day 7 felt nice and simple, compared to my Day 6. A trip to Phoenix the day before really made me exhausted. I love Phoenix sometimes, like in the months of December, January, February, and March. The rest of the time I don't think about it too much. My entire family lives there so it is nice to go down once in a while for holidays and to visit my grandmother. My sleep has been pretty horrible the entire time of the cleanse, so I was so happy when I got a nap of the seventh day. My energy was bouncy after the nap. It gave me the rest I needed to continue with my day. I lost another pound which is wonderful, and I feel lighter. All around, I feel lighter. Earlier in the cleanse, my mind felt like my life was in review, and now, my mind just feels clear and free. This is a very welcome change, because I don't like feeling strange in my own life. Have you ever felt that way? Like an outsider in your life? Well, I am sure that we all have felt this way sometime. I exercised 45 minutes by taking a walk outside in the night time under the moon. It amazed me that when we look up at the darkened sky, we are actually looking into the past. The night time and the darkness is only for us to rest and restore, and for the past to sparkle our own knowledge. Whatever we see in the dark, it is already happened in the past. All the stars and planets that we see with the naked eye is only a reflection of the past light. Very fascinating. Day 7 was a day of great gratitude, and my heart felt open to everyone and everything. I don't really have much more to say. Namaste. My Sweet Grandmother
They say that Day 3 is the most challenging. However, I would disagree. My hardest day was by far Day 6. I think I walked right into Eat-Exactly-What-You-Are-Not-Supposed-To Street though. We celebrated Mother's Day early, and went to a pretty well-known buffet. This wasn't the challenging part of the night. I just had to mention it, because the food was horrible. I didn't eat it, but my sister told me all about it the next day. She said that it didn't have any life force whatsoever, and she was sure it was all GMO. We both could not understand how people could stand to pay $12 for a plate of awful, flavorless food. On the positive, it was decorated with pizazz and color. The appearance of the food was fabulous! Furthermore, the restaurant we went to was so packed full of people! I couldn't believe it, but they must not know the taste of true food. How could so many people be attracted to such awful food? And also, I don't mean to be hypercritical and believe me, I am not always correct. Nonetheless, I offer the question still: How can so many people devour food that is not good for them? It is just part of society I suppose. Addiction? If you have any insights on this, please let me know. This day was my most challenging, because after the GMO Headquarters Restaurant, we visited my grandmother who is 89 years old, and we got her my favorite Mexican food. The soothing smell haunted me, and I immediately focused on the regimen of the cleanse. Mexican food, for me, is the ultimate comfort food. It reminds me of my mother. Tacos. Rice. Beans. Burritos. As kids, my siblings and I didn't call what we ate Mexican food, we just called it FOOD. Fresh Tortillas daily. Fresh tacos daily. Albondigas weekly. Menudo, every New Year's day. My family has been here for generations, and my aunt even owns a Mexican food restaurant in Phoenix. Thus, I reminded myself of my intention: Ana, clear your mind. Also, my grandmother really noticed my different appearance, which was further affirmation for me. Once I saw Eat-Exactly-What-You-Are-Not-Supposed-To Street, I am happy to say I turned around, and went to Cleanse Street. Overall, I didn't go off the cleanse. Namaste. Cravings Yay! Hurray! I have made the half way mark. I spent my half way mark teaching Restorative Yoga at Seven Centers Yoga Arts, and relaxing all day with my son. My energy was very low, and I weighed in at 132 pounds. I think my day was pretty low-energy, because of the two and a half hour hike the day before. I committed to taking it easy for Day 5. Furthermore, my stomach felt different, and the cravings started. I was surprised that it took five days for cravings to come up in my thoughts. I don't think I had any of the obvious cravings. Some people instantly crave sugars and sweets, like cakes, cookies, and pies. I don't really eat those things to begin with so I didn't really crave that at all. My craving was more alluring. I absolutely love udon noodles or genuine ramen noodles. Plain noodles with onions, veggies, and garlic is a Thanksgiving dinner for me. (All organic of course.) I could have it everyday of the week, and before this cleanse, I ate it at least three times a week. Why Organic Foods? I mentioned before that the Purium cleanse is 100% organic. Many of my own family has asked me why choosing organic is so important. I should add also that I have been the joke of my family for choosing organic. They like to joke around about organic or inorganic, and I have learned to be light-hearted about the joking. It is kinda funny. Hey Ana, Is that TV show inorganic or organic? When you do more research about organic foods and the health-related issues with non-organic or GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) foods, the decision and choice becomes very clear. It is important for many reasons: 1) GMO food is not actually considered food. It is considered organisms. Most inorganic foods are GMOs. According to Gmo-Foods.com, In September of 2012, French scientists discovered the actual long-term effects of GMOs on rats. More specifically, the effect of GMO corn on rats was the growth of tumors; 2) We need the most nutrient-dense foods for our families. Studies have shown that GMO foods and inorganic foods are less nutrient-dense. The rise of childhood obesity in the United States is a definite message. for us all. Our society culture is over-eating the poorly nutritious foods; and under-eating the foods rich in minerals and vitamins; and 3) Inorganic and GMO foods are weak in PRANA. Yes, prana is a wonderful gauge of the vitality and health of a vegetable or fruit (or any other food). Take a moment and connect with the PRANA of your food. If you can connect immediately, then you know it is alive and wonderful for the AGNI (fire) of the stomach. Often times when a dish or food is PRANA-less, you can feel it in the first bite. Your body gives you clear messages; the smell might be off or the taste might be spoiled or completely dull. Purium is a supporter of the Million Mom Movement, which is a pledge to CLEAN and GREEN, high-quality foods for families. To end, I wanted to share it with you today. Namaste. The Million Mom Pledge I pledge to defend the health of my family and myself. I pledge to reject GMOs, artificial ingredients, trans fats and over-processed foods. I pledge to educate myself, read labels and lead by example. I understand my actions TODAY will positively impact the health of future generations. I am COMMITTED to sharing this mission until I have a Million Moms by my side! Too Much I did way too much exercise on Day Four of my Transformation Cleanse. My family and I hiked the Camp Verde caves across from Camp Verde High School. I didn't know it would turn into a two and a half hour adventure. On the cleanse, it is suggested that you exercise 30-45 minutes. Additional stress on the body should be avoided. Although I was aware of the exercise guidelines, I still participated and enjoyed the hike. The caves were so unique, and I had a distinct feeling that people lived there. I felt the spirits of the past. I looked around, and it felt as if it was a neighborhood hundreds of years ago. I could feel the tasks of the community being done, and the routines of living on the land. I felt special to connect to the history of the land. The limestone of the caves were like chalk. The ruins on the top of the mountains were untouched and preserved. We even found some ancient pottery pieces. My son was amazing; he hiked all the way up the mountain on his own. He didn't complain about it; he really enjoyed the hike. I really think one day he will be a long distance runner or cross country competitor. He is very athletic, and it comes totally natural to him. We also took our small dog, Chuy, who is just a puppy. And the dog did a fabulous job too. He loved it. He barked at every little creature though, which echoed from mountain to mountain. His barks awakened the spirit of the mountains. I saw the faces in the rocks; and they were very old and wise. I gave the rocks and mountains all my worries, and I made a wish. The Mother I am working on a book that has totally challenged me to listen faithfully to the Mother, which is the Goddess. My fourth day was filled of listening exercises for me to examine and analyze. I returned again to the Goddess to help listen deeply with compassion and purpose and most of all clarity. Don't get me started about clarity! I feel like most of my life has had some level of confusion in decision making. The last six months for me has been a practice of clarity and clarity and yearning for more clarity. I noticed a few days ago that my son and I have communication problems, where sometimes he doesn't listen to me. I am sure there are instances where communication is an issue for everyone, but I wanted to see my 5 year-old's response to my question, "Why don't you listen to Mama?" And he simply said that he didn't know. I truly believe him. I don't think he knew. On this Day Four, my big realization was that I needed to listen to him with more understanding and more love. I thought that I had been listening to him, but in actuality, I was too busy to consistently listen to him with my heart. I know that no one is perfect, and I don't pretend to ever be perfect. I was just happy that I discovered a deeper understanding of my beautiful boy. You can't receive these moments of understanding if you are too rigid and firm with children. You need to lighten with them to totally understand their imagination and world. It is well worth the investigation. The Goddess led me to this deeper understanding of my family. I believe that she has a hand in everything I do and I am so grateful for her presence in my life. Vitality of Listening and Loving We all want to be heard and listened to unconditionally, especially children. It is an act of love to give another person this space and hold it safe and secure for them. When we rush to judgment and criticism, we are no longer listening. We are no long feeling. We are no longer empathizing with them. We cause them stress and generate stress within the thinking mind. This is a form of violence and aggression. Listening is the most loving act we can give another person. It is the most important weapon of our generation. It is the most forgotten skill in the world. Listening is one thing we can do today to change our entire environment. When we focus on what others are saying with loving intentions, then we become one with their hopes and dreams. Then we know that no word is ever wasted. No word is ever misused. We must know how to use the words wisely to empower us all. This is what really inspires me and motivates me on this journey. What ignites your life? Where is your passion? Where is your excitement? We are meant to be excited about our own existence. Namaste, Ana Spa Day
For the third day of my cleanse, I spent a few hours at the New Day Spa, and had a lovely massage. The new renovations were quite beautiful, and they have a jacuzzi which was so nourishing. There was an enticing contrast of the cool air and the hot, bubbly water of the hot tub. The clouds were perfectly painted across the sky. The spa setting was exactly what I needed. I actually received a Spawish gift certificate from my husband last December, and waited this long to use it. I really should do spa days more often, but as a mother, this is the last thing on the mind. This process thus far has been such an introspective time for me. The day was very low energy, and I couldn't quite get my footing. I felt like my entire life is on review. I asked at the beginning of this process that I remove all anger and judgment from my energy field, especially the anger and judgment that is in the subconscious. I don't want to know where it came from. I yearn to be free of its grip and limitations. I know how yoga is absolutely amazing at revealing the subconscious mind. This is all I want at this moment. I want everything to come into the light and be freed. I don't need to know anything else. My hope is to find the clarity at the end of the transformation. Like I mentioned, I felt tired during the second half of the day, but I had to go off schedule, which really contributed to the low energy. I didn't plan properly when I was teaching yoga classes, but I didn't eat anything that wasn't on the flex list. Which brings me to mentioning some of the foods you can eat if you choose the flex options. On this cleanse, you are allowed three flex items; one drink and one food. You can have sauteed green vegetables or squash with some coconut oil and simple seasoning (no salt). You can also have a small apple or berries. You can drink herbal teas as well. This is all for now. I need to spend time with husband, who has been so supportive during this entire cleanse. I am lucky to have such a wonderful support system. Much love to you and yours. Guidelines for the Detox/Cleanse If you are considering Purium's Cleanse, here are some helpful guidelines. I have included a video from David Sandoval as well. His information is quite captivating, and he makes some excellent points. He is clearly knowledgeable. Here it is: 1. It is important to drink more than half your body weight in ounces per day of water. You need to stay hydrated. 2. Eliminate any temptations like donuts and cookies. 3. Avoid excess exercise because it is a form of stress. 30-45 minutes is sufficient. 4. Avoid stress during your cleanse. This may difficult due to busy schedules; just don't add anything extra. Also, let me know if you would like a $50 Gift Card to go towards your cleanse. I highly recommend you embarking on this transformation. The Perfect Day Upon reflecting on the second day of the detox, I felt like I had the perfect day. I had the opportunity to do everything that I love and enjoy: yoga, jog, meditate, play games with my son, and spend quality time with my husband. My energy was very electric, and I enjoyed my day. One of the highlights of my day was watching this Lip Sync Battle. I have included it in this blog, because it is just so lighthearted and fun. Much love. Go with peace. =) Open Door to Change A few weeks ago, I decided to do Purium's 10-day transformation detox/cleanse. First, let me give you an overview of the program before I share my reflections on the first day. The entire range of products are made from the purest ingredients: 100% vegan, 100% GMO-Free, Soy-free, Dairy-free, 100% free of artificial flavors and sweeteners, and 100% free of binders, fillers, and synthetics. For the detox/cleanse, there are five different products to consume; Master Aminos, Power Shake, Apothe-Cherry, Ionic Elements, and Dietary Fiber Blend. The program comes with a schedule that can be varied to fit your own lifestyle, but basically you are eating or drinking every two hours. There is also a Flex option where three times a day you eat from a Flex list, which is mostly made up of raw food choices such as apples and berries. The Power Shake, which is the main part of the program, is made up of all organic green vegetables with the exception of organic carrot powder. This means that the bulk of the diet on this cleanse is all organic green vegetables, packed with nutrients. Also, you should exercise about 45 minutes a day, but not more than this. In the guidelines, it suggests that during the 10 day program you should not have any extraneous stress. While on this cleanse, you should really be in a peaceful state-of-mind. Purium, David Sandoval's company that created this detox, also sends you motivational and inspiring text messages daily. Conference calls and email coaching are part of the support system as well. All in all, it has very structured guidelines with lots of help throughout the duration of the ten days. For the past two years, I have been feeling like I need a major detox. I have done small detoxes with triphala, the Ayurvedic medicine. But this one is the first 10 day program with Power Shakes. I want to start by saying that I am not doing this detox to get thinner, and I am not one of those people obsessed with my physical appearance. When I first had Jaidon, my son, five years ago, I became totally aware of the pressure to lose the baby weight. I heard it and saw it all around me. I saw mothers, who were already thin, starve themselves to get even thinner. I saw obsessive dieting and exercise, and how the ego took over with self-loathing. According to Ayurveda, the forty-two days after birth is one of the most special and profound times of life for both the mother and the baby. Being overly focused on losing weight is distracting and unnatural. My message for new moms is to not worry about losing weight. In my experience, the weight will naturally come off as you keep up with an energetic toddler. There is no urgency to return to your pre-baby weight; and furthermore, your body is totally changed in giving birth. Take the time to get to know your new body with your new family. Along the same thought process, in the yoga community, there are many people who are obsessed with physical appearance. In 2001, I did a power yoga vinyasa teacher training with a well-known yoga instructor in Cancun, Mexico. I felt like I was in a five-day episode of Bay Watch; which as a new student of yoga was pretty intimidating. Also, the physical aspect of yoga was the main focus of the training, and many of my students know the story about my serious injuries during that time that were caused by the poor yoga instruction (and of course my own kharma). My lesson, which was further affirmed later in 2003 when I took the hatha yoga teacher training at 7 Centers Yoga Arts, was to live yoga as an integrated practice of observing the mind and using the prana to move the breath throughout the body. Yoga can't just be a physical practice; if so, it is not yoga at all in fact. Thus, my main intention in doing this cleanse is to detox the old me and transform into a new me. I want to clear out the old thoughts that keep me scared and doubtful at times, and transform into a new me with confidence. My beginning weight is 136 lbs. My chest is 35in, my waist is 29in, and my buttocks is at 40in. One comment about my bottom; my husband and I both like my bottom. My beginning picture are below. First Day Reflections
I didn't expect to feel the changes immediately, but I did. I felt my mind stuff appear right in front of me with no mercy. My mind stuff is usually in the form of insecurity and self-doubt and lack of self-confidence. This has been my deep work for several years now. Around 4pm, I started to feel uneasy about my abilities. It was really very silly, but the voice inside my head doubted my mothering abilities, my inner strength, and my voice. I watched the thoughts come up for me like captions of a cartoon. All I could do is watch them, and I didn't act on them. Thank God for my husband, because later I was able to share it with him, and he helped by listening to me. By the end of the day, the negative thinking was released entirely. I was so surprised at the thought's intensity. Once I realized that it was a reaction to the cleanse, I felt very happy. I knew that I was on the right track. I couldn't believe the increase in energy. With the Power Shakes, I felt lighter and moved with more flow. In the past, I have felt difficulty in bringing joy and lightness in every movement and change of life. My parents both were workaholics that moved without true purpose and in the muddiness of heavy burden. I don't blame them and I don't feel any resentment. I love my parents very much and have healthy, loving relationships with both of them. I just was left with a confusion about work and movement and transition. It is only now that I am practicing bliss in every moment (that is the goal anyway). Teaching and practicing yoga for the past 13 years have helped tremendously as well. The yoga has helped me re-define work, and create an entire new perspective all together. Also, it should be made clear the work is part of your environmental diet. We are actually eating up all of our experiences, and digesting them internally. Therefore, digestion and food is beyond what we place in our mouths; it is also our lifestyle and environment. We digest our lifestyle, and we digest our environment. No experience goes without digestion and absorption. Overall, the first day was very nice. I look forward to the next 9 days. I will continue to blog and share my thoughts. Much love. |