Hi Friends, Family, and Yoga Practitioners!
I just got done with 7 Centers Yoga Art’s Children’s Yoga Immersion. I was blown away from the experience, and overall felt so happy to be able to grow and share in yoga. I was so honored to teach such dedicated yoginis! Thanks to Kathryn, Lillian, Rachel, and Shannon. It was so great bonding with you! In this newsletter, I want to especially highlight the work I have been doing with women. I am doing a prenatal yoga class at Shiva Shack on Thursdays at 12:45. The Mom and Baby class at 7 Centers Yoga Arts in Sedona is every Tuesday at 9 am. These classes are so much fun, and also very educational. I will also be visiting the Mama Garden on November 5th to talk about Kids and Yoga Nidra. Hope to see you there! Message from Angels This month’s angel message is Acceptance. I love Doreen Virtue, because she really has a wonderful grasp of the depth of the angelic realm. Her message on the card states, “See yourself and others through the eyes of the angels, with unconditional love and acceptance.” I full heartedly agree that acceptance and unconditional love go together. When we begin to accept our path, without any attachment to end result, we can live fully in the moment. Each step of the way becomes one of happiness and joy, and then we are able to spread that happiness and joy to others with ease. Today, we all need inspiration in life, and it is only when we are performing in authentic power that we can become a true inspiration of love and hope. What inspires you? Is your life inspiring and exciting? Who are the inspiring women and men in your life? Take the time to reflect on true acceptance and inspiration as the month unfolds. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope to connect with you soon in a yoga class. Announcements Mama Garden November 5th- 1:30 pm at the Chocolatree November New Classes in Camp Verde at the Parks and Rec. Center, Rm 204 Mondays- Yoga for Beginners 6:30 pm Fridays- Yoga for Seniors 10:30 am Ongoing Events: Mama & Baby Yoga @ 7 Centers Yoga Arts, EveryTuesday @ 9 am Kids Yoga @ 7 Centers Yoga Arts Every Saturday @ 1 pm Prenatal Yoga @ Shiva Shack Every Thrusday @ 12:30 pm Retreats: Serenity Sedona Yoga Retreat Date TBA For more information, including registration and payment, please go to Ana-Yoga.com. Much love to you and yours. Namaste, Ana